Sale prices valid through 7/29/24 @ 11:59PM EST
The Jumpstart Mini-Series will cover Jumpstarting your Finances, Relationships, and Spiritual Health + Get DEEP Discounts on MP3 Series related to those topics!
Live calls will take place at 12pm EST on August 1st, 15th, and 29th.
We’ve heard from you and your concerns about finances, relationships, and your spiritual health. Lynn wants to help you address all of these issues and get you jumpstarted to going in the right direction! In this mini-series, Lynn will be addressing those areas and helping clear out blocks, while jumpstarting you in the direction you want to go in life.
Included with this series are deep discounts on related series, listed below! You’ll see a coupon code included in the welcome email for this series, along with links for the related series.
Here are the topics Lynn will be tackling with you in this 3 part mini-series:
Run Time: 41m12s
Vibrational Congruency is the ability to win/achieve/get something you have always wanted by becoming agreeable (or congruent) with that energy. This MP3 assists with raising your vibrational congruency with your HEALTH by eliminating the beliefs, doubts, fears, patterns of resistance and more that are keeping you stuck.
Previously a part of the 2022 Abundance Series.
Run Time: 49m31s
Become Vibrationally Congruent with what it means to have healthy relationships and clear the doubts, fears and resistance patterns surrounding all types of relationships and friendships.
Previously a part of the 2021 Abundance Series.
Run Time: 40m51s
Vibrational Congruency is the ability to win/achieve/get something you have always wanted by becoming agreeable (or congruent) with that energy. This MP3 assists with raising your vibrational congruency with your SELF-LOVE by eliminating the beliefs, doubts, fears, patterns of resistance and more that are keeping you stuck.
Previously a part of the 2022 Abundance Series.
Run time: 39m17s
Become Vibrationally Congruent what it means to have money and clear the doubts, fears and resistance patterns surrounding wealth and worthiness of receiving money.
Previously a part of the 2021 Abundance Series.
Run Time: 52m27s
In this full length module, Lynn breaks down the cycle of addiction and bad habits with a physical & mind detox for a variety of common addictions and habits.
Clearings include:
Previously a part of the 2016 What Has A Grip On You Series.
Run Time – 30m53s
When it comes to human life, some people believe the five elements play a role in the balance of energies in the body, contributing to everything from personality traits to health and well-being. The five elements demonstrate how all aspects of human health, [like] diet, movement, and emotions, are interconnected with nature and our environment.
Previously a part of the 2021 Live A Limitless Life Series
Run Time: 37m26s
Anger, also known as wrath or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat. Lynn addresses:
She works to turn Anger into Serenity, so you can live a life with awareness and not anger!
Previously a part of the 2023 Ultimate Emotional Detox Series
Run Time 19m51s
Artificial Sweeteners are known to wreck the liver so that liver cannot do its job of detoxing. This MP3 clears the common sweeteners found in our food and drinks such as:
Previously a part of the 2021 Prevention Series.
Run time: 9m 25s
Lynn breaks down your love languages, what love means to you and what it looks like for you to receive it! Also, covered in this mini MP3 is what comes with the word “love” and your tolerance for the word + programming and clearings that are holding you back from receiving and giving love!
Previously recorded and sold during the 2017 Valentine’s Day Sale
Run time: 58m37s
Release the TFE’s, Emotional Trauma, Physical Trauma, Entities and more that are embedded in each appendage of your upper and lower body! This comprehensive detox call, also aids aches and pains from lingering infection, autoimmunes and other diseases that cause inflammation pain, anemia, dehydration and more.
Previously a part of the 2023 Alleviate The Aches Series.
Run Time – 58m06s
A comprehensive detox of the top causes of brain aging and how it affects the WHOLE body. Detox energies include:
Previously a part of the 2022 Brain Age Series
Run Time – 24m32s
Are you more right brain or left brain? Most people identify as one or the other which translates to Logical or Creative. What if we could tap into both sides of the brain to utilize both ways of thinking and realize YOUR super powers? This fun, yet unique MP3 helps transform your brain into both right AND left brain dominant.
The Right Brain is more visual and intuitive:
The Left Brain is more verbal, analytical and orderly:
Previously a part of the 2022 Brain Age Series
Run time: 17m31
The body isn’t so good at handling chronic stress. Over time, chronic stress gradually increases your resting heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and levels of muscle tension so the body now has to work even harder when it’s at rest to keep you functioning normally. In other words, chronic stress creates a new normal inside your body. And this new normal can eventually lead to a host of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain and depression. This MP3 provides energetic support for your body to clear the chronic stress and its symptoms.
Previously a part of the 2020 Inner Peace Series.
Run Time – 21m44s
What jolts you and keeps you from functioning at your highest level on a daily basis and keeps you from true joy? Clearing Your Emotional Dumpster includes what we have been taught about emotions or emotions you were told you are not allowed to have.
Previously a part of the 2021 Live A Limitless Life Series.
Run Time: 14m56s
Clear the TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) and blocks that are keeping you hung up and insecure about your appearance. Get the energetic boost of confidence you need to radiate and move past what society defines as “beautiful”.
Previously a part of the 2019 BeYOUty Series.
Run Time: 43m19s
What are the blocks that are keeping you from finding and creating love and relationships in your life? This MP3 clears those blocks and TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) that are holding you back from creating the relationships that you want!
Previously a part of the Bringing Sexy Back Series
Run time: 7m58s
This MP3 provides clearing for the most common TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) we are feeling surrounding the current events in our world and the chaos that began in 2020 with the pandemic. These TFE’s can be embedded in our cells and causes unresolved tension in our muscles, and other body systems. They include feelings of:
Previously a part of the 2020 Invisible World Series & Mega Detox Program.
Run time: 45m13s
During such crazy times, our bodies could really use a good Chakra tune-up! In this MP3, Lynn moves through the body to reset your Chakras for total body balance.
Previously a part of the 2015 Spring Package
Run Time: 26m02s
There are currently 6 main demons that are attacking the planet right now, and with heavy energy and force. This comprehensive clearing MP3 is dedicated to eliminating these energies that may be holding you back in your world:
Previously a part of the 2023 Spiritual Warfare Series.
Run Time: 53m53s
Did you know that there is text in many cultures that describes how King Solomon was able to build his Temple of Jerusalem by commanding Demons using a ring with the seal of God that was entrusted to him by the Archangel Michael? The Church has made that mistake thinking they can control them and unleashed them upon humanity.
Demons are the Ultimate Deceivers, they can work through people to build your trust in someone or something, that will end up being false or even harmful to you.
Did you know that Demons can run in groups called Pods or even bigger Networks?
Did you know that Demons can harass or attack humans so that you feel as though you have constant bad luck with finances, relationships… and more.
What is their goal or end game??
Previously a part of the 2020 Lunch With Lynn Series
Run Time: 04m04s
Anywhere the dependency was born from a trauma such as
Previously a part of the 2016 What Has A Grip On You Series
Run time: 15m21s
This MP3 provides energetic clearings for the different parts of your brain connected to depression. Lynn also touches on depression and TFE’s (thoughts, feelings and emotions) surrounding the pandemic and isolation.
Previously a part of the 2020 Inner Peace Series.
Run Time: 29m32s
Disgust is an emotional response to rejection or revulsion to something distasteful. This MP3 covers everything from Anxiety to OCD! Lynn also covers Judgement, Self-Loathing, Avoidance, & Disappointment, helping you to live your life with awareness and not disgust!
Previously a part of the 2023 Ultimate Emotional Detox Series
Run Time – 24:02
This MP3 works on any changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses due to stress. Many events that happen to you and around you — and many things that you do yourself — put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. We delve into the surroundings and TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) that bring on YOUR stress!
Previously a part of the 2015 Fall Package & The Emotional Detox Series
Run Time: 13m07s
Are you exhausted from anxiety, stress, depression, coping with grief or being on a rollercoaster of emotions? Are you run down from being a people-pleaser, “fixer”, an over-achiever or martyr? Do you have a hard time saying “no”? Or is your to-do list never ending? Are you carrying what feels like a million burdens? The Emotional Fatigue Detox MP3 was created to clear that exhaustion to give you and your body a break.
Previously a part of the Fight the Fatigue Energy Series
Run Time: 21m33s
Did you know that the chemical reactions brought on by chronic stress are damaging your body in multiple ways? In this epic emotional stress release, Lynn heals your skin, brain, telomeres and fascia where stress is being stored and causing the most damage to YOUR body. This emotional release will have you feeling lighter and rejuvenated from the stresses that plague you each day!
Previously a part of the 2019 BeYOUty Series.
Run time: 12m11s
Entities can suck you dry of energy leaving you lethargic and in a hazy state. Play this MP3 to rid your body of those lingering entities that are causing you fatigue and tiredness and get back to your happy and energetic self!
Previously a part of the 2018 Fight The Fatigue Series.
Run Time: 01h08m57s
In this Entity Intro MP3, Lynn introduces the basics of Entities and how to know if they are present in your body or life. Included in this recording:
Previously a part of the Entity Series
Run time: 4m16s
This mini remote remedy contains energies that focus on the connection between family and addictions. Lynn clears things such as creating addictions to fit in with your family, familial patterns and relationship that are troubled from addictions.
Previously part of the What Has A Grip On You Series
Run Time: 23m05s
This MP3 is for both pet owners and pets. It allows humans to process grief from loss of pets, guilt from decisions made with the pet and more. It also helps pets process grief from sadness, feeling like they have failed their owner, loss of an owner or other pet and more.
Previously a part of the 2023 Pet Reset Series
Run Time: 39m20s
This is a TFE (thoughts, feelings and emotions) release of all types of Grief from the body!
Grief from the loss of a loved one, loss of relationship or even money; any anger or resentment left behind; hiding behind grief; feeling alone and so much more. Even more so everywhere you have stored grief in your body creating dis-ease or dis-harmony – Leave the Grief behind and in with Joy!!
Run Time: 14m19s
We need our Immune System at peak performance to fight off Bacteria, Viruses, Cancer Cells and Parasites. The energies in this MP3 help to reset the organs that are vital to your functioning Immune System. This organ reset includes: your spleen, tonsils & adenoids, thymus, bone marrow, lymph nodes and even your skin and liver!
Previously a part of the 2018 Flu & Cold Prevention Series.
Run Time: 17m25s
Clear the physical, mental and emotional effects of isolation during the pandemic.
Previously a part of the 2020 Inner Peace Series
Run time: 10m52s
The body can sometimes be hijacked from more “important” internal work such as scar tissue build up, organ repair, lost energy lines, etc. In this MP3, Lynn frees the bodies from the work they are doing that is sending your body into overdrive and gives it an internal tune-up with energies that are essential for day-to-day function.
Previously a part of the 2016 Fountain of Youth Series Upgrade.
Run Time – 29m17s
Loss Trauma and Violence Trauma, though different, both include phases and processes of reacting and healing. This MP3 addresses the affects of both while clearing stuck energy that keeps you from processing trauma and grief and living your life.
Previously a part of the 2021 Trauma Series.
Run Time: 20m26s
Do you have endless mind-chatter and constantly feel paralyzed when you have to make decisions? Decisions like:
If you are feeling a lack of motivation, lack of focus, mind fog, and mentally paralyzed, this MP3 is for you! Lynn provides energy clearings for Avolition (a total lack of motivation that makes it hard to get anything done), mental overwhelm, mental clarity and more to help you feel like you are back at peak mental performance and more productive than ever!
Previously a part of the 2020 Inner Peace Series.
Run time: 24m10s
In this dynamic recording, Lynn moves through the body to clean out the blocks in your energy field that are draining you and causing tiredness and fatigue. She cleanouts out the following:
Previously a part of the Fight the Fatigue Series
Run time: 01h06m21s
Metabolism is every chemical process that goes on in the body. This MP3 is all about cleaning out the “junk” from your brain and body that is interfering with your metabolic pathways. This chemical wash detox is essential for clearing the risk factors that lead to metabolic syndrome.
Previously a part of the 2021 Prevention Series.
Run time: 21m23s
This MP3 is for clearing any type of subliminal messaging, fake news, implants and more that are embedded in your cells.
Previously a part of the 2020 Mega Detox Program and Invisible World Series.
Run Time: 23m42s
Are TFE’s (thoughts, feelings and emotions) stuck in your cells and cluttering your life? They affect the physical body too, and could be causing you pain. In this MP3, Lynn clears all of that mind clutter and constant chatter that is keeping you from creating the life that you really would like to create for yourself. Time to defrag the mind!
Run Time: 9m44s
This MP3 helps protect your brain from potential exposure and side effects from fungus, yeast, toxic mold, tapeworms, blood flukes, parasites and more!
Previously a part of the 2017 Brain Series Upgrade
Run Time – 14m00s
Nadi can be translated as “tube,” “channel” or “flow.” It refers to the network of channels through which energy travels through the body. The number of nadis that the body is believed to contain varies depending on the tradition, but there are three principal nadis that weave through the spinal cord and the intense energy centers known as chakras. This MP3 opens up the movement of energy in each nadi:
Previously a part of the 2021 Energy Channel System Reboot
Run time: 16m48s
The neuroimmune system is a system of structures and processes involving the biochemical and electrophysiological interactions between the nervous system and immune system which protect neurons from pathogens. This MP3 provides energetic support to protect neurons against disease by maintaining selectively permeable barriers (e.g., the blood–brain barrier and blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier), mediating neuroinflammation and wound healing in damaged neurons, and mobilizing host defenses against pathogens.
Previously a part of the 2022 Fortify Your Defenses Series.
Run time: 18m06s
Let’s clear everywhere you are holding onto past life experiences with disease, pandemics and more.
Previously a part of the 2020 Invisible World Series and Mega Detox Program.
Run time: 8m 01s
Humans aren’t the only ones with chakras – animals do to! In this mini recording, Lynn works on your pet’s and their chakras.
Previously Part of The Chakra Climax Series
Run time: 8m59s
Do you procrastinate? Do you stress yourself out because of that procrastination? Did you know that procrastination is a negative coping mechanism during stress? In the remote remedy recording, Lynn works with your neural pathways and molecules to end the self-sabotage and procrastination the stems from your stress which then leads to even more stress!
Previously a part of the Stress Series.
Run time: 21m39s
This energy-packed detox MP3 is to detox your body from existing radiation from previous medical procedures and tests, radiation from the workplace or even the land where you live! Lynn also addresses electric cars/electromagnetics, solar flares, warzone bombing radiation and ozone layer depletion and more!
Previously a part of the 2020 Invisible World Series and 2021 Mega Detox Program.
Run time: 20m53s
Clear the negative impact PTSD can have on your mental health and behaviors. This MP3 provides energetic support for depression, anxiety, negative thoughts & moods, feelings of self-blame and more. These behaviors can stem from childhood trauma and present-day triggers.
Previously a part of the 2022 Trauma Series.
Run Time: 10m45s
Intimate relationships can create a lot of unwanted stress in our lives. In this MP3, Lynn provides a variety of clearings where your relationships are spiking that stress. Clearings include: divorce, lack of intimate relationship, death of a partner, infidelity, conditions from your parents and how relationships should be and more. Let’s change those molecules and de-stress from those relationships!
Previously a part of the 2017 Stress-Free Series.
Run Time: 51m.46s
A comprehensive support MP3 to help you gain supreme power over your mind, body, spirit and world!
Previously a part of the 2021 Live A Limitless Life Series.
Run time: 20m23s
Negative self-talk is any inner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your own abilities, and to reach your potential. It is any thought that diminishes your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in yourself to do so. So negative self-talk can not only be stressful, but it can really stunt your success and progress through recovering from other traumatic events. Additionally, Lynn cleans out despair that is stuck in your body and making your feel hopeless as well as other unprocessed feelings stuck in the body such as shame, judgement, rejection, grief, jealousy, insecurity, unworthiness and more.
Previously part of the 2021 Trauma Series.
Run Time: 40m50s
This MP3 covers the physical, emotional and mental effects of ADD/ADHD, Memory & Focus in school and the workplace, Time Management and Organizational Skills that are blocking you from being the most successful you and much more!
Previously a part of the Skills For Life Series.
Run Time: 15m52s
Lynn’s most powerful energies clearings to date!
This never before released MP3 provides clearings to get rid of the TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) about spiritual misconceptions, healing and being healed. This is a must have MP3 in your collection!
Run Time: 22m51s
A spiritual splinter is something that has entered into the body that doesn’t belong and causes physical, mental and emotional harm or distress. Spiritual intrusions are caused by negative thought forms, (such as anger, jealousy, envy, grief or other unresolved feelings) that we have taken into our bodies in response to hurt or a projection from others. Symptoms of Spiritual Intrusions:
Previously a part of the 2022 Live A Limitless Life Series.
Run time: 12m11s
Are you addicted to stress? Your brain could be chemically dependent on stress to function. You adrenal system which fuels stress hormones is fatiguing, forcing you to work harder to get that same burst of cortisol and adrenaline that are released when the body is under pressure. Let’s clear the dependency and relax!
Previously a part of the Stress Series
Run Time: 7m02s
This MP3 clears the program that we have to absorb everyone else’s stress. Whether that be stress from co-workers, news/social media, financial hardships from friends or family, etc., Lynn clears YOUR neural pathways to release that program.
Previously a part of the 2017 Stress Free Me Series.
Run Time: 48m44s
Are you ready to free yourself from “The Healers Programming” and stop being at the effect of others? Does your body feel the pain & suffering of others? This MP3 will deliver the peaceful, calming energies to your higher self & body to allow total easy! What talents are you now willing to tap into.
Previously recorded in 2015.
Run Time: 36m19s
Stop Letting The Past Control YOU!
There are energy centers all over the body and many people are stuffing their past energetically into these centers. What does that do to your vitality, balance and vigor on a daily basis? Time to Release the Trauma & Drama from your being AND your body!
Run time: 21m26s
Past Trauma and PTSD can wreak havoc on your body physically. It can cause lasting effects that lead to long-term health conditions. This MP3 provides the energetic support your body needs to clear the physical effects of trauma from the systems and organs of your body. It can manifest as:
Previously a part of the 2022 Trauma Series.
Run time: 20m16s
Relationships and intimacy can often feel unattainable for trauma survivors. They fear becoming close with another person after a traumatic event, or they may feel like a burden to those around them. Survivors of trauma can constantly feel intense emotions and have difficulty with trusting people as well as adjusting to a “normal” lifestyle. This MP3 provides the energetic support your need to Repair Your Relationship with Yourself and Others by:
Previously a part of the 2022 Trauma Series.
Run Time: 54m21s
A deep dive into YOUR nervous system and hormones that control your thoughts, feelings and emotions. This comprehensive detox MP3 also clears effects of the 8 core emotions and how they consume your body physically. You’ll see where chronic emotions can create a more healthy body with more homeostasis/balance in all systems instead of creating a stressed out and potentially sick body just through our emotions.
Previously a part of the 2023 Ultimate Emotional Detox Series.
Run time: 21m07s
A comprehensive TFE (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) cleanout of the toxic behaviors and emotional/verbal assault that you have stuck in your body. This includes manipulation, bullying, gaslighting, blame, degradation, shaming, name calling, unconstructive criticism, threats and more. Lynn also clears out the triggers of this type of abuse.
Previously a part of the 2021 Trauma Series.
Run Time: 20m49s
This MP3 is not about Euthanizing meaning “to put to death humanely” but YOUTH-ENIZE meaning “to shed the old, dis-eased cells, and generate new healthy cells”. This support MP3 helps to Rebalance Tissues, Organs and Systems all while Igniting Vitality and the State of Health From Within!
Previously a part of the 2022 Live A Limitless Life Series
Run Time: 24m55s
This MP3 includes energies for eliminating guilt and shame that literally mutates and damages the cells of the body.
Previously a part of the 2018 Monthly Call Series
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