Brush Off The Winter: Prep Your Body For Summer

2 MP3 Mini-Series:

The changing seasons can really take a toll on our body, both inside and outside.

And whether or not you have had Covid, being stuck inside and laid up for days at a time can make your energy levels plummet, and significantly decrease your muscle mass.

Did you know it only takes 8 days of little to no physical activity to lose your muscle mass?!

Whether you have been stuck inside during the colder months, cooped up during the past few years of quarantine or have been laid up with Covid, the inactivity can significantly impact your physical strength, energy levels and bones health. Recovering muscle mass is crucial for your health. Loss of muscle mass can contribute to:

  • Weight Gain
  • Impaired Mobility
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Cardiovascular Problems
  • And Overall Poor Quality of Life


When you stop going outside or exercising, you can loss up to 12% muscle mass in an 8 day period + your Vitamin D levels can be altered and crepey skin can begin to show. Good, strong muscle mass helps to keep the bones strong, keeps your energy levels up, allows better mobility and raises endorphins to better your mood and boost overall health! 

This 2 MP3 mini-series includes remedial and preventive energetic support to help you brush off the winter and keep your body active, healthy and happy as we go into summer!

Purchase This Exciting 2 MP3 Mini-Series Today!


Energies Include:

Skin Health

Heat & Sun Protection

Prepare Your Body For Summer

What energy does your body require to brush off the winter in preparation for summer?

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