Divine Financing: Tools to Manage
Your Money in Uncertain Times
Are you in a financial pinch during the pandemic?
Are you worried about where your finances could be heading in the wake of a recession?
Lynn thoughtfully crafted this new mini-series to provide you with the right tools to help you manage your money during the mayhem. This series works with energies that use the same awareness for your finances as you would your health. We will also be doing clearings surrounding your TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) that are causing you to feel so much uncertainty and powerlessness during this time.
It’s time to turn that Powerlessness Into Power and move into Financial Safety during crisis!
What is covered:
- Learn how to hold onto as much Ca$h as possible
- Clearings on Over-Spending Habits
- How to Clean Up Your Credit the easy way!
- Be a better “Receiver” of Money
- It’s All About Attitude
- Dealing With Your Feelings – Clearings on feeling powerless or anxious, fearful or angry and more!
- Clear Decision– Making Issues in the Brain in Times of Stress
- Many people equate Money or a certain amount of Money with Safety – this is not a truth!
- Loads of Clearings about what Money Is and Isn’t and Your Relationship With It!
- Your feelings are valid! People are feeling loss from loss of human interaction, jobs, trips, holidays and more. There doesn’t have to be a death involved for there to be grief and loss.
- How much does the constant media barrage & trigger underlying traumas for you?
- Life goes in even while in the midst of crisis – people are still going thru divorces, having babies, and going through other health crisis like Cancer. How to cope.
- And how many of us have positioned ourselves perfectly financially for a crisis? Can you say “Stress”?
- Grief and Trauma infiltrate all aspects of your world, even Finances!
- Be Vibrationally Congruent with Money & Abundance, learn where your money hiccups might be coming from!
- Learn to Create Success by Maximizing What Comes Easy to You and What You are Good At
- Learn Ways to Fine Tune Your Existing Business and Make it More Relevant in a Digital, Global World
- Or Learn How to Start a New Business Even in the Middle of a Crisis and Clear any Blocks Around That
We have priced this low to make it available to everyone. We hope you will join us for this new mini-series!