Terms & Conditions
Lynn Waldrop is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional, practitioner or provider of any kind. Lynn Waldrop does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does it provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy.
The information provided on and accessible from this page/website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. None of this information should be considered a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals, or any notifications or instructions contained in or on any product label or packaging. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has not evaluated any statement, claim, or representation made on or accessible from this page/website. Nor has the FDA evaluated any food, product or service mentioned on, or available from or through, this page/website. No food, product or service mentioned on, or available from or through this page/website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
The information provided on and accessible from this page/website does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Lynn Waldrop and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. This page/website is not intended to create a client relationship, and access to or receipt of information included on or communicated through this page/website does not constitute such a relationship. Information disclosed on this page/website does not remain confidential and may be viewed by the public. Therefore, do not disclose anything on this page/website that you expect to be held in confidence.
This page/website may contain links to other resources on the Internet. Those links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest, and are not intended to state or imply that Lynn Waldrop recommends, supports, sponsors, or is in any way affiliated or associated with any person or entity associated with those links, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links.
You may also contact us through our website at Please remember that Internet e-mail is not secure and you may wish to take steps to encrypt sensitive or confidential materials before sending them on the Internet.
2-Pay Payments Policy
o If you made a purchase from or a Telesummit The Body Channel participates in and are paying in 2 or 3 payments and your package includes private Session, you must pay in full before that session can occur. There have been agreements with some Summits for the purchaser to receive the link to book the session prior to the final payment, however, that payment must be made before the session can occur. You will be notified if this affects your session.
Refund Policy
o Refunds from Telesummit Package Purchases – Please contact the Telesummit you purchased the package from for a refund. We cannot give refunds for purchases through Telesummits.
o Sessions with Lynn – Effective February 26, 2024 –
- Starting today, we have moved our sessions to so be sure to look at your confirmation email for new call-in numbers. We did this for several reasons – one, our international clients did not seem to have the necessary call-in numbers and – two, our T-Mobile users were having issues calling in at all. This system should fix both of those issues and the international numbers and the cool way that they handle T-Mobile will be outlined in your confirmation email!
- As a part of this move to a new system, we will no longer be recording sessions (nor is any other participant permitted to record the session). But don’t worry, just like the Remote Recordings from a new series, you can access your session purely energetically and Lynn will let you know how to recall those energetics for use later!
- If you have signed up for a “Remote” Session with Lynn (meaning you are not available to speak with her at the session time) you will need to be sure to write in things you want her to energetically work on, otherwise she will do an energetic tune-up!
- Lynn will only wait 5 minutes into the session until declaring the client a no-show. Session times cannot be extended as Lynn often has back to back clients and cannot extend a previous appointment into someone else’s scheduled appointment time.
- If you need to cancel a session and reschedule you must do so in writing to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment (not including weekends). In that case, we will be happy to send you a link to reschedule your appointment, please be advised that an open appointment may not be available for several months as Lynn’s calendar stays booked out most of the time.
- A Private Session purchase must be redeemed within 6 months of your purchase date.
- All session appointments are subject to change due to Lynn’s travel and Event schedule, but we will try our best to notify the participant in a timely manner and make the earliest reschedule appointments available.
o Mentorship Program –Effective January 1, 2018 – cancellation requests must be submitted prior to the Jump Start call and Evaluation Session. After the Jump Start Call on has taken place the program is non-refundable for full tuition even if you even if you are paying on a payment plan.
If payment is missed or declined without prior arrangements or communication – all mentorship sessions are subject to cancellation from that point on.
o There are NO refunds for any products or services provided in digital format, individual calls or MP3s in which the client automatically receives the product. Every effort is made to give you the highest quality of recording. YOUR RESULTS MAY VARY according to your body and personal health.
o Monthly MVP & VIP Body Channel Group Call Memberships must be canceled by the 5th of the month to avoid charges on the 10th.
o Coupon Codes & Credits can only applied to full priced items. Cannot be redeemed during a sale or during joint ventures with Telesummits.
We never share your e-mail address with any third party.
Responsible Use and Conduct
By visiting our website and accessing the information, products, services, and resources provided therein (collectively, the “Services”), either directly or indirectly, you agree to use the Services only for the purposes intended as permitted by (a) the terms of this User Agreement, and (b) applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted online practices or guidelines.
You understand that by accessing the Services, you may be required to provide certain information about yourself (such as identification, contact details, and other personal information) as part of the registration process, or as part of your ability to use the Services. You agree that any information you provide will always be accurate, correct, and up to date.
When login information such as usernames, passwords or similar identifying information is required, it is your responsibility for maintaining that information.
Information is communicated through this site via blog posts and comments, social media forums, product ratings and reviews, and affiliate relationships. We do not generally pre-screen or monitor the content posted by users of these various communication tools, which means that if you choose to use these tools to submit any type of content to our website, then it is your personal responsibility to use these tools in a responsible and ethical manner. By posting information or otherwise using any open communication tools as mentioned, you agree that you will not upload, post, share, or otherwise distribute any content that:
1. Is illegal, threatening, defamatory, abusive, harassing, degrading, intimidating, fraudulent, deceptive, invasive, racist, or contains any type of suggestive, inappropriate, or explicit language. 2. Infringes on any trademark, patent, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary right of any party. 3. Contains any type of unauthorized or unsolicited advertising.
We have the right at our sole discretion to remove any content that we feel in our judgment does not comply with this User Agreement, along with any content that we feel is otherwise offensive, harmful, objectionable, inaccurate, or violates any third party copyrights or trademarks. We are not responsible for any delay or failure in removing such content. If you post content that we choose to remove, you hereby consent to such removal, and consent to waive any claim against us.
We do not assume any liability for any content posted by you or any other third party users of our website. However, any content posted by you using any open communication tools on our website, provided that it does not violate or infringe on any third party copyrights or trademarks, becomes the property of The Body Channel, LLC, and as such, gives us a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, publish, publicly display and/or distribute as we see fit. This only refers and applies to content posted via open communication tools, testimonials as described, and does not refer to information that is provided as part of the registration process, as may be necessary in order to use our Services.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Body Channel, LLC from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of this User Agreement or the failure to fulfill any obligations relating to your account incurred by you or any other person using your account. We reserve the right to take over the exclusive defense of any claim for which we are entitled to indemnification under this User Agreement. In such event, you shall provide us with such cooperation as is reasonably requested by us.
Participants (hereinafter a “participant”) completing any private instruction, mentorship or class, including of a level 1 and/or or level 2 medical intuitive class offered by the body channel (hereinafter “class”) do not receive any certification from the body channel, LLC or Lynn Waldrop to perform the services of a medical intuitive for others or to teach these skills to others. Participants do not have the consent to market themselves as certified by the Body Channel, Lynn Waldrop or without the express written consent of the Body Channel LLC, Lynn Waldrop or
Neither The Body Channel, LLC. nor Lynn Waldrop endorses any participant completing a class with respect to their talent, level of skill or experience they may develop. Participants learn in different ways, at different speeds, and develop their own talent in their own special way on their individual path.
Some participants may decide to start his/her own business following completion of a class or classes with the Body Channel. We hope that our classes have inspired you and enabled you to find your own intuitive powers. However, our primary goal is to create more healing in the world and we do not endorse or promote the business of any of our participants.
Limitation of Warranties
By using our website, you understand and agree that all products and services we provide are “as is” and “as available.” This means that we do not guarantee or warrant to you that we will meet your needs, and we do not confirm the information provided by third parties is accurate and free of errors. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions or the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Results shared on our website are not necessarily typical.
Furthermore, you understand and agree that any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of our website is done at your own discretion and risk, and that you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer, devices and yourself from the content you have accessed through this site. No information or advice, whether expressed, implied, oral or written, obtained by you from The Body Channel, LLC and this website will provide you with any warranty, guarantee, or conditions of any kind, except for those expressly outlined in this User Agreement.
Limitation of Liability
In conjunction with the Limitation of Warranties as explained above, you expressly understand and agree that any claim against us shall be limited to the amount you paid, if any, to The Body Channel, LLC, for use of products and/or services. The Body Channel, LLC will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary loss or damages which may be incurred by you as a result of using our website or the resources contained herein, or as a result of any changes, data loss or corruption, cancellation, loss of access, or downtime to the full extent that applicable limitation of liability laws apply. The Body Channel, LLC is a Limited Liability Company.
Audio/Visual Release
I acknowledge that, The Body Channel, LLC or Sound Color & Light for Life may make video and/or audio recordings of the class, in which I will be a participant.
I hereby grant, The Body Channel, LLC and Sound Color & Light for Life the right to use such video and/or audio recordings of my name, likeness and voice in any and all forms of media, now or hereinafter created, and in perpetuity, including, but not limited to, composite or edited forms, for, The Body Channel, LLC or Sound Color & Light for Life, to distribute, sell and use in any manner, as, The Body Channel, LLC or Sound Color & Light for Life may determine in its sole and absolute discretion. I hereby waive the right to inspect or approve any version(s), including the finished version(s), of such recordings, including written copy that may be created in connection therewith.
All content and materials available on this website are protected by applicable intellectual property law. Any inappropriate use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of any content on this site is strictly prohibited, unless specifically authorized by The Body Channel, LLC.
Termination of Use
You agree that we may, at our sole discretion, suspend or terminate your access to all or part of our website with or without notice and for any reason, including, without limitation, breach of this User Agreement. Any suspected illegal, fraudulent or abusive activity may be grounds for terminating your relationship and may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Upon suspension or termination, your right to use this site or the resources provided will immediately cease, and we reserve the right to remove or delete any information that you may have on file with us, including any account or login information